Monday 6 October 2014

Storyboard Feedback

With help from our teacher we have decided to alter our storyboard. We have decided to completely recreate our storyboard as we wanted to move around the performance elements. As well as this we will slightly change the narrative to the storyboard. Which will be shown in the upcoming animatic and timeline.

In the new narrative, Bennie and Gail will be sitting together in their home however Bennie will be more interested in his music than his girlfriend. Gail gets fed up with this and storms out the house, as she starts walking down the road she jumps into a new boy, John. The two instantly "hit it of".  This section is planned to take up the whole first paragraph.

The pre-chorus is Bennie walking down a street, alone. There is then a cut to Bennie walking in the tunnel and finding the exact spot his band will play in. He finds the spot, looks around and then puts his guitar on the floor. There is than a cut and his band is suddenly preforming, beginning the performance element of the music video.

We have decided to keep the next section of our story board. This is where Bennie walks up to Gail and John who are together and Bennie tries to beat up John. Bennie pushes John to the floor and this is where Gail picks who she wants to be with. She stops Bennie and then walks of with John, choosing him.

After this point in the video, there will be several cross cuts of John and Gail being happy in their new relationship in contrast to shots of Bennie, being depressed alone.

In our storyboard we want to portray the idea that Bennie has succeeded with his music due to the heartbreak and pain Gail has caused him. This is a typical convention of the genre, post-hardcore rock and shows that they are an organic band as the whole video relates back to the music they are creating.

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